Infirmary Building

Old Dubbo Gaol

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Old Dubbo Gaol

Located in the centre of the Dubbo CBD, Old Dubbo Gaol which operated from 1847 to 1966 is now a tourist attraction. As it is heritage listed , it is one of the more popular places to visit in Dubbo.

Not only are the buildings preserved in excellent condition, but displays and information boards give an insight into the gaols operations and how prisoners were treated.

Male Prison

The section of the gaol used to house male prisoners is the first building you see on entering. A long dark corridor with heavy metal doors along the walls greets you as you walk through the main door.

Looking through the doors reveals how spartan the cells were, containing only a basic bed and little else. Several cells contain displays of manacles restraints used on the prisoners. Others display manikins dressed as inmates, with explanations of their crimes.

Female Prison

A section used for female prisoners located at the rear of the gaol, shows that their conditions were no better than the men. Concrete floors and wooden beds were all that furnished the rooms.

Watchtower Overlooking Old Dubbo Gaol

The watch tower, located near the female prisoners’ cells, can be accessed via a modern stairway. The short climb is worth it because you get great views over this part of the gaol. An audio recording plays inside the tower explaining its use to visitors.

Washing Area

The area where prisoners washed and did laundry now contains an exhibit of prisoner information forms. Printed on bed sheets and laid out as drying laundry they give a great insight into the people imprisoned here.


Condon’s at the infirmary were better than the general prison, with wooden floors and better beds, but still primitive. Built from sandstone blocks like several other buildings at the prison, the infirmary is a very solid building.


Standing near the exercise yard, the gallows remind you that prisoners were executed here. Interesting to look at but a grisly reminder of the past.

What Did We Think of Old Dubbo Gaol?

As one of Dubbo’s main tourist attractions, this is a must see for visitors. We found it a fun place to visit, mainly for the history. Situated in the middle of town it is easy to get to, making it an easy place to see. Whilst we were there maintenance going on at the end of the female prison, so this little part was out of bounds.

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2 responses to “Old Dubbo Gaol”

  1. markbierman Avatar

    Very interesting! I have a personal interest about the world’s prisons. I worked at Kingston penitentiary (correctional Officer) for 13 years, until it closed in 2013, It was opened in 1835. It’s also a toursit attraction. Here is the link if you are intersted.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Hi Mark, thanks for the link. Old gaols are interesting to walk around, pleased you liked the post

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