Sign Post For Pilliga Pottery Pilliga Pottery

Pilliga Pottery Coonabarabran New South Wales

As with many great artistic retreats, Pilliga Pottery is located in a quiet out-of-the-way location. Despite this, it is easy to find, and the dirt road into it was well maintained when we went.
The Road into Pilliga Pottery Pilliga Pottery
The Road into Pilliga Pottery

Our first stop was the restaurant where we purchased some home-made scones with jam and cream to eat and drinks before we walked around the show room. It was cold outside, coming into the restaurant was also very nice and warm due to the kilns being close by.

A small show room next to their restaurant displays some of the products made there.  There was a nice range of quality pottery at good prices. It was a really relaxed welcoming environment with no pressure to buy anything.

Pilliga Pottery
Car Park and Entrance

You are also encouraged to walk through the workshop and talk to some of the artists , and see how things are made, which was very interesting.

For other places to see in New South Wales, please read some of our other stories.

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