A Koala

Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary

Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary

One of the prime attractions in Port Stephens is the Koala Sanctuary. Not only does it allow you to see koalas, but it rehabilitates injured ones, while providing a place to live for those that cannot be returned to the wild.


An excellent accommodation option for the Port Stephens region are the cabins available at the sanctuary. This allows visitors to see the koalas in the evenings and mornings when they are more active.

Accommodation at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary

Koala Sculptures

After paying for your entry, a path leads through a number of large koala sculptures. As you walk along the path, most sculptures also have an information board helping you understand the koalas, their habitat and the threats to their survival.

This is a great educational opportunity and is especially good for children.

Koala Hospital

Before reaching the viewing area, you pass the hospital where injured koalas are treated. A window allows you to see into the treatment room and we were lucky enough to see one there, along with the vet and his assistants.


Only koalas that are unable to be rehabilitated back to the wild are on display. Koalas that have undergone surgery and are being rehabilitated are housed in separate enclosures. Each kolas has its own information board detailing how it came to the sanctuary and what injuries it was suffering.

Because we arrived in the middle of the day they were not very active, but were able to see most of them. stationed here were two volunteers who gave talks on the koalas and the work of the sanctuary.

A Kookaburra
A Kookaburra

What Did We Think?

This was a great visit and would recommend it to anyone wanting to see or learn about koalas. It’s similar to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital although larger and offering onsite accommodation.

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4 responses to “Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary”

  1. Walking Away Avatar

    That looks brilliant

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It certainly was and worth the visit

  2. trumstravels Avatar

    OH man, I want to go there, I love Koalas, they are so adorable. When I was little I always wanted to have a Koala and Kangaroo farm. Don’t ask me what I was going to do with them, I just wanted it! I mean, I was 5 so….. lol

    1. Destinations Avatar

      I can understand a 5 year old wanting that. I’m sure a lot of adults would too. I think the volunteers are there because they can’t have koalas at home, but can be with them at the sanctuary.

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