Portland Silo Art

Portland Silo Art

Portland Silo Art

Located only 30 minutes north-west of Lithgow in the Central-West of New South Wales, the Portland Silo Art makes a great addition to any tour of the area. Unlike other silos, these are cement bins, rather than grain silos, representing the towns history as a cement producer.

Painted in 2018 by Guido van Helten the bins feature past employees of the cement works. Titled “The Foundations”, it pays tribute to the cement works and people who established the town of Portland.

Access to the site is easy, with plenty of parking available. With no fencing, you are able to walk right up to the silos to see the art up close. This is better than some other silo art we have visited, where a fence keeps you away.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

15 responses to “Portland Silo Art”

  1. Life...One Big Adventure Avatar

    Love it! Art of Australia, in every sense. Thanks, Mel

    1. Destinations Avatar

      The silo art springing up everywhere is amazing. We’re hoping to get down to Victoria sometime to do the silo trail there

      1. Life...One Big Adventure Avatar

        There is a really active group on Facebook – Australian Silo Art – if you want some great tips on where to go. Happy trails.

        1. Destinations Avatar

          Thanks for the link, it’s excellent. The facebook group has a link to their website which has an interactive map for silo and water tank art.

  2. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    That is quite amazing …even with so much detail!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It’s an amazing piece of art. The planning and detail that went into creating it is awesome

  3. Jane Hardin Avatar

    I plan to visit Wales again very soon. Will keep this place in mind….

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Hi Jane, might be hard to find in Wales, this one’s in New South Wales, Australia. Sorry I seem to have created some confusion. Shaun

      1. Jane Hardin Avatar

        It’s ok. I should have known. This happens a lot when others talk about Wales in Australia. I assume Wales as in the UK. Sorry about that.

  4. markbierman Avatar

    Amazing art! We have some around here, too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It’s a great way to get tourists to drop into some of the smaller towns, and they make a great sight as you drive by

  5. rose2852 Avatar

    These are so close to home (inner Sydney) that I must, must come out and see them.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      They are certainly worth seeing if you are in the area. Thanks for reading

  6. scarlettcat Avatar

    Silo art is so majestic

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It really is. Such huge pictures, they look amazing

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