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Artwork on the railway bridge over Jacob and Joseph Creek Quirindi

Quirindi New South Wales

Quirindi New South Wales

Located in the North West Slopes region of New South Wales, Quirindi is a small rural town dependant on the surrounding agriculture. We stopped here on our way home from Gunnedah, 83 km to the north so that we could see some of the interesting attractions in the town.

Parking at the railway station on George Street we walked around the centre of the town, which has some nice old buildings and a beautiful clock tower/war memorial. Next to where we parked, an agricultural supplier has decorated their building in street art, making it look amazing.

Stock Brands of the Liverpool Plains

One of the more unusual attractions are the pavers along George Street. Detailing the stock brands of 30 original cattle runs on the Liverpool Plains are a unique and fascinating attraction.

Joseph and Jacob Creek Railway Bridge

Our final stop was the railway bridge over Joseph and Jacob Creek because of its painted supports. A small walking track leads down from the main street to the bridge, where we could walk up to the bridge because of the low water level. Decorated in Aboriginal and rural themes they are very well done making them worth the small detour to see.

What Did We Think?

Quirindi was a great little town with some unique attractions like the Livestock Brands and decorated bridge. Unfortunately we visited late in the day as other attractions such as the museum and Bob’s Shed were closed. Even so we had a good time and enjoyed visiting.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

3 responses to “Quirindi New South Wales”

  1. Alison Avatar

    Beautiful murals

    1. Destinations Avatar

      They are great and really brighten up a dull bridge. Thanks for reading

      1. Alison Avatar


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