Tomatoes for sale

Ricardoes Tomatoes and Strawberries

Ricardoes Tomatoes and Strawberries

A favourite with locals and tourists, Port Macquarie’s Ricardoes Tomatoes and Strawberries is a fun place to pick your own fresh produce. Located only 20 minutes from the Port Macquarie CBD on the New South Wales mid-north coast, it’s a must-see place for visitors.

A large car park caters to the many visitors. On arrival you are greeted by koala painted in strawberry leaves, flowers and fruit. These koalas are a feature around Port Macquarie, being places outside many businesses and decorated to reflect their location.

After saying hello to the koala, we went inside to get a bucket and scissors and a few instructions including which greenhouse to go to. It was then off to collect our strawberries. At the end you pay before leaving for the weight of the strawberry’s that you have picked.

Ricardoes grow their tomatoes and strawberries hydroponically in greenhouses. Only certain ones are open to the public at a time because the others are either undergoing maintenance or not ready to harvest.

We spent some time picking strawberries, making sure to pick ripe ones. Signs tell you that the best ones are at the back, because most people go to the front rows of plants first. Once our buckets were full, we returned to the entrance to pay for them.

Café and Shop

Inside the main building, a display room has other products for sale, and we bought some strawberry jam. A café also sold Devonshire tea, so we finished off the morning with coffee, and scones with jam and cream.

This was a fun morning out, with strawberries to eat on the way home.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

9 responses to “Ricardoes Tomatoes and Strawberries”

  1. kiangablog Avatar

    I visited Port Macquarie for the first time in 2016 and didn’t hear about this place. Sounds great. One other place I would definitely recommend visiting is the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie. A donation is appreciated to help fund the wonderful work these volunteers do caring for sick and injured koalas. The tour was interesting and inspiring. Since the devastating bushfires two years ago, their work is more critical than ever.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We really want to visit the koala hospital, hopefully later this year. We’ve seem stories and it looks great. Unfortunately, not enough time this visit.

      1. kiangablog Avatar

        That is the same for many of us but thank you for sharing what you do see. We are well over due for a road trip around Oz with our camper trailer!

  2. 0agneta0 Avatar

    So nice!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Thankyou for reading. It was a great place to visit.

  3. rose2852 Avatar

    We dropped into Riccardoes last November on the way back from Coffs to Sydney. The strawberries were in season and we picked a bucket. They were so sweet and luscious! I love lighthouses. Smoky Cape, near South West Rocks, is one of my all time favourites.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Haven’t seen the one at Smokey Cape yet. So many places to go! Will eventually get there. You’re right about the strawberries, they were delicious.

  4. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    I love picking my own strawberries – there is a strawberry farm not far from us and we go there often in summer time. Love the strawberry painted koala – that’s a fun way of saying welcome!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Thanks for reading. The painted koala is a great touch and they are all over Port Macquarie, each with a different paint scheme.

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