The Sanitarium Building

Sanitarium Building Cooranbong

Sanitarium Building Cooranbong

Located on the banks of Dora Creek Cooranbong, the Industrial Art Deco style Sanitarium building is an interesting addition to a visit to the area. The nearby Swinging Bridge was built to enable workers to cross Dora Creek to get to work. This was the main reason we visited, but took time to look at the old factory and nearby Avondale University.

Visiting on a weekend, the carparks were mostly empty, so parking wasn’t an issue. There is a Visitors Carpark, so we parked there before walking around the buildings. If you walked from the Swinging Bridge, you will walk along a palm lined walk and cycleway that used to be the entrance workers to the factory. On a wet morning, it was very atmospheric walking along the path.

Although no longer in use, the factory represents the history of the Sanitarium company and its contribution to healthy foods. Sanitarium was founded by and it wholly owned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church which runs the adjacent University.

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8 responses to “Sanitarium Building Cooranbong”

  1. Priti Avatar

    Beautiful photos!👌

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Thankyou, pleased that you liked it.

      1. Priti Avatar


  2. kagould17 Avatar

    Thanks for this. We loved the Sanitarium muesli on our trips to NZ.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It’s a very popular brand here and makes cereal I’ve eaten all my life but this was the first time I’ve seen their factory. Please it brought back good memories for you. Shaun

  3. 100 Country Trek Avatar

    We visited there in Australia but you saw this Building there and you saw this Building there.Anita

  4. nelsonearthimages Avatar


    1. Destinations Avatar

      Pleased that you liked it. Shaun

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