Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Diecast Model 30 cm long by Product Enterprise

Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Scale Models

Space 1999 Eagle Transporter

Space: 1999 is a science-fiction television programme that ran for two seasons from 1975 to 1977. In the opening episode, set in the year 1999, nuclear waste stored on the Moon’s far side explodes, knocking the Moon out of orbit and sending it, as well as the 311 inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha, hurtling uncontrollably into space.

The Eagle is the primary form of transportation for the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha. A multipurpose craft, it is divided into three basic sections; the command module, the service pod, and the superstructure. Capable of speeds up to 23,700 miles per second, or 15% of the speed of light, it is powered by four nuclear fusion rockets, and carries fuel reserves for 48 hours of flight. There are 5 main types of Eagle Transporter.

Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Diecast Model 30 cm long by Product Enterprise

Space:1999 Eagle Transporter 1/110 Scale Model by IMAI