Stretching the Imagination by Susan Dorothea White Sculptures at Scratchley

Sculptures at Scratchley

Sculptures at Scratchley

Sculptures at Scratchley is a planned annual sculpture exhibition held for the first time this year in the grounds of Fort Scratchley, a historic fort at the entrance to Newcastle Harbour in New South Wales, Australia. Held for the first time in 2023 the exhibition showcases a selected number of international, national and local artists’ works, with a variety of styles and materials.

The exhibition is open to the public with free entry and the chance to nominate a sculpture for the main prize of People’s Choice Award, which is a non-acquisitive award of $25,000. The exhibition also has a peer-judged award, also non-acquisitive, of $15,000. For anyone interested, non-acquisitive means that the operator of the exhibition does not purchase the winning piece. Instead, the winner is able to sell it on the open market. The exhibition ran from May 13 to May 28, 2023.

The variety of sculptures was great and the backdrop of the fort and surrounding beaches was a great setting. Hopefully this will be an on-going annual event, like the Sculptures at the Sea at Bondi.

Bleaching by Michael Greve
First Prize Winning Sculpture Bleaching by Michael Greve
The Miss Fits by Geoff Harvey
The Miss Fits by Geoff Harvey
The Miss Fits by Geoff Harvey Sculptures at Scratchley
The Miss Fits by Geoff Harvey
Juno by Ulan and Rachel
Juno by Ulan and Rachel
Warrior by John Lynch
Warrior by John Lynch
Tipping Point by John Lynch
Tipping Point by John Lynch
Learning to Fly by John Logvyn Sculptures at Scratchley
Learning to Fly by John Logvyn
Persistence by John Logvyn Sculptures at Scratchley
Persistence by John Logvyn
The Leadlight Garden Shed with Glass and Timber Tools by Lee and Zac Howes Sculptures at Scratchley
The Leadlight Garden Shed with Glass and Timber Tools by Lee and Zac Howes
Prancer by Nicole O'Regan
Prancer by Nicole O’Regan
Advance by Nicole O'Regan Sculptures at Scratchley
Advance by Nicole O’Regan
Stretching the Imagination by Susan Dorothea White Sculptures at Scratchley
Stretching the Imagination by Susan Dorothea White
Following Orders by Anthony Xerri Sculptures at Scratchley
Following Orders by Anthony Xerri
The Messenger by Kylie Gardner
The Messenger by Kylie Gardner

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

11 responses to “Sculptures at Scratchley”

  1. Mike and Kellye Hefner Avatar

    Exceptional artwork! The contest/sale is a novel idea that I had not heard of before. Your photos are wonderful!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We loved the sculptures, but had to look up what the non-acquisitive bit meant. Seems the local council wants to choose what it displays and not necessarily the winner.

  2. kagould17 Avatar

    Absolutely brilliant.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      The sculptures were great. Amazing setting too.

  3. luisa zambrotta Avatar


    1. Destinations Avatar

      YEs they were and in such a great setting

      1. luisa zambrotta Avatar

        I totally agree with you!

  4. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    Wow, how talented these people are! I like that “Stretching the Imagination” sculpture – she should win a first prize just because of a very fitting title!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We voted for that one in the peoples choice. There were certainly a lot of talented people represented there

  5. Travel Spirit Avatar

    I love sculptures!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      These ones were really great. There are some very talented artist around.

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