Myall Creek Massacre by Debbie Becker Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre

Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre

Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre New South Wales Australia

The recently opened Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre (March 2022) is an extension of the Visitor Information Centre showcasing local artists. Including a café, playground, and children’s bike track, it’s a great place to stop when passing through town for a break to stretch the legs. Also in the area is a World War Two Matilda II tank, just next to the highway.

The Visitor Information Centre contains displays of local produce, like wines and a help desk. The help desk can provide you with information on local events, places to go and accommodation.

Past the help desk, the art gallery contains two galleries which host rotating displays by local artists.

Located in the same building, Parkview Café offers light meals and refreshment for weary travellers passing through. There is also a deck out the back where you can relax and look over the park.

We Are Singleton: Portrait of a Town by Edwina Richards

Edwina Richards’ photographic study of the people of Singleton is displayed in the main gallery. The portraits show the life of everyday people, celebrating the diverse identity of Singleton in 2022.

This display leaves the gallery on 8 May 2022.

Mapping Wanaruah / Wonnarua by Debbie Becker

We really enjoyed the exhibition by Debbie Becker, not only because of the style, but because the art depicts local culture. Places like the fig tree meeting place, events such as bushfires and historically important events such as the Myall Creek Massacre are included.

Debbie’s work is on display until 8 May 2022, so you will need to be quick to see it.

Matilda Tank

Located outside the café, the Matilda tank gives Townhead Park its unofficial name of Tank Park. Easily visible from the highway it’s very popular with kids, because the can climb all over it.

Matilda Tank Townhead Park Singleton NSW Australia
Matilda Tank Townhead Park Singleton

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

5 responses to “Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre”

  1. 100 Country Trek Avatar

    Amazing art work beautiful.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      There are some great artists is Singleton it’s nice that they now have somewhere to display their work. Thanks for reading. Shaun

  2. Priti Avatar

    Wow wonderful art! Thanks for sharing 🙂😊

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Pleased that you liked it. Thanks for reading

      1. Priti Avatar

        It’s my pleasure 🙂 stay blessed 🤗🥰❤️

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