Old boiler room

South Eveleigh Sydney Australia

South Eveleigh Sydney Australia

Located in Sydney Australia, South Eveleigh has undergone significant revitalization in recent years. This transformation has turned an industrial site into a modern and dynamic precinct that combines technology, innovation, lifestyle, and heritage.

One of the major highlights of South Eveleigh is its rich industrial heritage. The site was once home to the Eveleigh Railway Workshops, which played a vital role in Sydney’s early rail history. Many of the original heritage buildings have been preserved and repurposed, offering a fascinating blend of historical charm and contemporary design.


Preserved within the workshop building, Bays 1 and 2 showcase a collection of machinery, tools, and artifacts used in the workshops, offering a glimpse into the daily lives of the workers. Interpretive signs explain the significance and use of the tools and machinery.

Dating from 1887, the vast locomotive workship contains workshops for blacksmithing, boilermaking, and other essential trades. Importantly, these are not just static museum displays but remain in use. Courses are held locally teaching people these disappearing trades.

Current Use

Today, South Eveleigh serves as a hub for startups, tech companies, and creative industries. A modern high-tech interior provides office space for companies and business, while others house fitness centres and cafes.

A cafe within the main building is surrounded by old machinery and tool racks, while old steam powered hammer presses and boring machines are scattered throughout the office spaces.

A wonderful place to wander around, learning about the past, while surrounded by high-tech enterprises. After taking in the displays, there are cafes, restaurants and a brewery to relax at.

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2 responses to “South Eveleigh Sydney Australia”

  1. Timothy Avatar

    Looks like a great place to visit!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Yes, it’s a great place to visit. Plenty to eat and drink as well as learn some history if you want.

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