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Tag: Aircraft

  • Supermarine Type 224

    Supermarine Type 224

    Supermarine Type 224 Designed to meet Air Ministry Specification F.7/30, the Supermarine Type 224 was a low wing monoplane fighter aircraft armed with four .303 machine guns. The Air Ministry expressed a preference for the evaporatively cooled Rolls-Royce Goshawk, which was evaporatively cooled. This caused problems, which along with poor performance led to its elimination… Read more

  • Westland F7/30

    Westland F7/30

    Westland F7/30 Designed to Air Ministry Specification F.7/30, for a day and night fighter the Westland F7/30 (Company designation Westland PV.4) first flew in 1934. Powered by the Rolls-Royce Goshawk evaporatively-cooled engine, it was armed with four .303 machine guns. Flight testing in 1935 revealed a top speed of 146mph. This was significantly below the… Read more

  • Hawker Sea Fury in Iraqi Service

    Hawker Sea Fury in Iraqi Service

    Hawker Sea Fury in Iraqi Service Iraq acquired 30 Hawker Fury F.1 fighters and two T.52 trainers in 1946. Used to equip two squadrons, they saw little action during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, mostly undertaking armed reconnaissance flights. An additional 25 Sea Furies FB.11 fighters were purchased in 1951 (15 new built and 10 ex-Royal… Read more