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Tag: Aircraft

  • Hawker Sea Fury in West German Service

    Hawker Sea Fury in West German Service

    Hawker Sea Fury in West German Service Between 1959 and 1960, WestGermany purchased ten Hawker Sea Fury T.20 aircraft for conversion target tugs. Operated by DLB (Deutscher Luftwaffen Beartungsdienst) they were converted to their new role in Germany and designated Sea Fury T.20S. An additional six were purchased in 1962 with a further one acquired… Read more

  • Vickers Type 253

    Vickers Type 253

    Vickers Type 253 The Vickers Type 253 was built to Air Ministry specification G.4/31 for a general purpose aircraft capable of carrying out level bombing, army co-operation, dive bombing, reconnaissance, casualty evacuation and torpedo bombing. The design is often also known as the Vickers G.4/31. Although a conventional biplane design, the internal fuselage construction, designed… Read more

  • Parnall Pipet

    Parnall Pipet

    Parnall Pipet Designed as a shipborne fighter, the Parnall Pipet first flew in the summer of 1928. During testing of the first prototype N232, severe tail flutter was encountered, resulting in the tailplane spar fracturing. Despite receiving a broken neck, the pilot survived and flew again but the aircraft was a write-off. A second prototype… Read more