Tag: Australia
Balls Head Reserve Sydney Australia
Balls Head Reserve Sydney Australia Located on the northern side of Sydney Harbour, Balls Head Reserve is a scenic reserve offering breathtaking views of the harbour city and bridge. Winding tracks through regenerated native bushland let you experience the Australian bush without leaving Sydney. History The reserve was named after Henry Lidgbird Ball, who was… Read more
Tilligerry Habitat
Tilligerry Habitat Tanilba Bay NSW Australia The original sand dunes in what is now the Tilligerry Habitat were subject to deep sand-dredge mining from the 1960s. Removal of the dunes resulted in a flat landscape with the original drainage system damaged and native vegetation cleared. A large section of the disused mine was used for… Read more
Brays Bay Ship-Building Memorial
Brays Bay Ship-Building Memorial Located adjacent to the Kokoda Track Memorial Pathway, the Brays Bay Ship-Building Memorial is a tribute to the ship building that operated here from 1939 to 1945. Representing a ship a sculpture sits next to the entrance walkway which has ships’ names etched into it. Operated by Tulloch, the shipyard built… Read more