Tag: convict ruins
Tasman Peninsula Tasmania Australia
Tasman Peninsula The Tasman Peninsula has an wonderful array of historical and natural locations explore. Containing some of Australia’s oldest convict sites, it tells the story of early colonial life while being surrounded by amazing natural beauty. During our stay here, we visited the sites below. This is by no means all there is to… Read more
Port Arthur Historic Site Tasmania
Port Arthur Historic Site The World Heritage listed Port Arthur Historic Site contains over 30 buildings and extensive ruins. The listing reflects its importance to the story of forced migration and settlement of Australia. Primarily a penal settlement, Port Arthur also encompassed a wider community including military and civilian officers and their families. The preserved… Read more
Goat Island Sydney Harbour
Getting to Goat Island Goat Island in Sydney Harbour is administered by National Parks and Wildlife and tours are organised and conducted by Rangers. We met our guide at Circular Quay wharf 6 where we boarded the ferry for a quick trip to the island. Access to the island is prohibited unless you are on… Read more