Tag: New England
Tamworth New South Wales
Tamworth New South Wales The country music capital of Australia, Tamworth is famous for its music festival and hall of fame. Although many of the town’s attractions associate themselves with country music, the historical buildings in the centre of town provide something else to see. Located three and a half hours north of Newcastle, Tamworth… Read more
Goonoo Goonoo Station Tamworth
Goonoo Goonoo Station Our last night on our recent road trip was spent at Goonoo Goonoo Station (pronounced Gunna G’noo), south of Tamworth. Goonoo Goonoo means ‘running water over rocks in times of drought’ in the Kamilaroi language. Access to the station is restricted to booked guests, but the Glasshouse Restaurant, is open to the… Read more
First Fleet Memorial Gardens Wallabadah
First Fleet Memorial Gardens Wallabadah We hadn’t intended to stop in Wallabadah, but on seeing the sign for the First Fleet Memorial Gardens, we decided to. This is the great thing about driving with no fixed appointments, because you can stop at any time and see something interesting. Another interesting thing to discover is the… Read more