Tag: New South Wales
Carrington Hydraulic Pump House
Located in the Newcastle suburb of Carrington, the hydraulic pump house is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar refurbishment. Fortunately, the front of the building has been completed, which means you are able to enjoy this historic building even as works are underway. Parking is available in Bourke St, just past the entrance to the Newcastle… Read more
Arboretum and Bellbird Tracks in Strickland Forest
Strickland State Forest Two great walks located in the Strickland State Forest are the Arboretum and Bellbird Tracks. Located on the Central Coast of NSW, less than an hour’s drive north of Sydney, south of Newcastle, or a 10-minute drive west of Gosford, Strickland State Forest is a great place to visit. The forest is… Read more
Moonee Beach and the Pink Cave
Moonee Beach and the Pink Cave Getting There and Parking Located in Catherine Hill Bay South of Newcastle, Moonee Beach and the Pink Cave (also called Deep Cave Bay) are an amazing place to visit, because of their beautiful colours and setting. Parking is limited near the beach access trail, as the road is narrow.… Read more