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Swansea Boardwalk New South Wales

Mangroves near the Swansea Boardwalk

Swansea Boardwalk

Only opened in late 2022, the new 230m long Swansea Boardwalk is a great way to experience Lake Macquarie and the mangrove forest. Located near Swansea New South Wales it is easily accessible with a newly upgraded carpark. Access onto the boardwalk is wheelchair friendly, with the boardwalk being flat its entire length.

The Boardwalk

At only 230m, this is a very short walk, however the views are amazing. Being able to walk through the mangroves and not getting you feet wet and muddy is great. You are able to see into mud flats at low tide and see into the forest.

As you walk the views over the lake are great. At the end of the walk, you can see over the Lake to Wangi Wangi and the old decommissioned power station. A small dirt track continues from this point along the Swansea Channel for those who want to extend their walk.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

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