Tag: Sydney Ferry

  • Sydney Heritage Fleet

    Sydney Heritage Fleet Founded in 1965 as the “The Lady Hopetoun and Port Jackson Marine Steam Museum”, the Sydney Heritage Fleet operates 10 large and 55 small heritage vessels. Its 450 active volunteer workers conserve Australia’s maritime past, while preserving traditional technical methods and skills. Three (as of August 2024) vessels are currently being restored,… Read more

  • Sydney Ferry Kanangra

    Sydney Ferry Kanangra

    Sydney Ferry Kanangra Launched on the 14th of August 1912, Kanangra is a steel-hulled K-class ferry that operated on Sydney Harbour until 1985. Originally coal fired, she was converted to diesel in 1959. Kanangra is currently sited on a floating dock at Rozelle Bay as part of the Sydney Heritage Fleet. Restoration work intends to… Read more

  • Sydney Ferry Balmoral

    Sydney Ferry Balmoral

    Sydney Ferry Balmoral The Balmoral is an Generation 2 Emerald class ferry operated by Sydney Ferries on Sydney Harbour. It has a wave piercing bow enabling it to cross the Sydney Heads on days with high swells while operating from Circular Quay to Manly. Balmoral was completed in 2021. Read more