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Tag: Sydney Heritage Fleet

  • Steam Launch Lady Hopetoun

    Steam Launch Lady Hopetoun

    Steam Launch Lady Hopetoun Built in 1902 by WM Ford on Sydney Harbour, the Lady Hopetoun was used as a VIP and Vice-Regal steam yacht by the NSW Government through the Sydney Harbour Trust and its successor the Maritime Services Board of NSW until the 1960s. It is now maintained by the Sydney Heritage Fleet… Read more

  • Motor Launch Berrima

    Motor Launch Berrima

    Motor Launch Berrima Launched in 1955 as A.O.R.1, Berrima is a motor launch owned by the Sydney Heritage Fleet and used around Sydney Harbour. Originally used by Stannard Bros  on behalf of Australian Oil Refineries on Botany Bay, it ferried workers from La Perouse to the refinery on the other side of Botany Bay. At… Read more

  • Motor Launch Protex

    Motor Launch Protex

    Motor Launch Protex Built sometime around 1908, Protex was later purchased in 1934 by the Sydney ferry and tug company, Nicholson Bros. In line with their usual policy of naming their craft using words beginning with ‘Pro’ she was called Protex after a popular brand of soap. Up until 1970, she ferried goods and people… Read more