Tag: Tunnel
Balls Head Reserve Sydney Australia
Balls Head Reserve Sydney Australia Located on the northern side of Sydney Harbour, Balls Head Reserve is a scenic reserve offering breathtaking views of the harbour city and bridge. Winding tracks through regenerated native bushland let you experience the Australian bush without leaving Sydney. History The reserve was named after Henry Lidgbird Ball, who was… Read more
Box Vale Walking Track Tunnel
Box Vale Walking Track and Tunnel Only a ten-minute drive from the centre of Mittagong, the Box Vale Walking Track and Tunnel is an amazing bush walk. Not only do you get to see Australian bush, but a rail cutting and old, disused tunnel. There are two easily accessible places to start the walk. The… Read more
Derby Tin Mining Tunnel Tasmania
Derby Tin Mining Tunnel Originally a tin mining district, Derby is now a haven for mountain bike riders, with an established series of bike trails in the district. A remnant of the mining history has been incorporated into the bike and walking trails, making an excellent addition to the usual Australian bush you usually go… Read more