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Tag: Urunga

  • Urunga Lagoon Footbridge

    Urunga Lagoon Footbridge
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    Urunga Lagoon Footbridge Located in Urunga on the NSW mid-north coast, the Urunga Lagoon Footbridge is a 1km long walkway through mangroves to the Pacific Ocean. Commencing in 1988, construction continued in three stages, until final completion in 2010. This wheelchair friendly walk is a great way to experience the coast from a sheltered lagoon… Read more

  • Urunga Wetlands Boardwalk

    Urunga Wetlands Boardwalk

    Urunga Wetlands Boardwalk The Urunga Wetlands and Boardwalk are the result of a ten million dollar project to rehabilitate an old mining processing plant. The result is a beautifully restored wetland and the containment of the tailings and their heavy metal content. History of the Site In 1969, Broken Hill Antimony Pty Ltd established an… Read more