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Junkers Ju 86 in Hungarian Service

Junkers Ju 86 K-2 of the Royal Hungarian Air Force

Junkers Ju 86 in Hungarian Service

The Royal Hungarian Air Force received the first of 63 Junkers Ju 86K-2 bombers in early 1938. These were used to bomb Slovakian airfields and defensive positions during the Slovak–Hungarian War in March 1939. From June 1941, the Ju 86s began to be replaced by Italian Caproni Ca.135 bombers. Both of these types were used during Hungary’s support of the German led invasion of the Soviet Union. Heavy losses led to the withdrawal of the Ju 86 bombers from frontline service during 1942.

The Junkers Ju 86s remained in use for second line duties, primarily training and transport.

Junkers Ju 86 in Chilean Service

Chilean Junkers Ju 86K in El Bosque

Junkers Ju 86 in Chilean Service

The Chilean Air Force (Fuerza Aérea de Chile) operated 12 Junkers Ju 86 K-6 medium bombers powered by Pratt and Whitley Hornet engines. LAN also ordered three Ju 86Z airliners powered by Jumo 205 diesel engines, one of which was later transferred to the Air Force. Many of the Chilean Ju 86s were lost when the undercarriage failed due to rough and rocky airfields.

Messerschmitt Bf 110 in Romanian Service

Romanian Messerschmitt Bf 110

Messerschmitt Bf 110 in Romanian Service

The Royal Romanian Air Force operated a small number of Messerschmitt Bf 110 fighters during the Second World War. Approximately 12 110Cs, 2 110Es and 9 110Fs were used.