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Bloch MB.210 in Romanian Service

Romanian Bloch MB.210

Bloch MB.210 in Romanian Service

Romania ordered 24 Bloch 210s in 1938, eventually receiving between 10 and 20 from this order for the Royal Romanian Air Force (ARR). In June 1941, when Romania entered WW2, the MB.210s although obsolete still equipped the 82nd Bomber Squadron. They performed relatively well during the Bassarabian campaign, but in early 1942 were withdrawn from frontline service and relegated to transport duties.

Bloch MB.210 in German Service

German Operated Bloch MB.210

Bloch MB.210 in German Service

In September 1939, the Bloch MB.210 equipped 12 bomber units of the Armée de l’Air. At the time of Nazi Germany’s attack on France in spring 1940, these squadrons were in the middle of a restructuring aimed at removing outdated aircraft from the front line. Up to the armistice on 25 June of the same year, the MB.210 was used for nighttime bombing missions before relocating to North Africa.

Following the German occupation of France, a number of MB.210 aircraft were operated briefly by the Luftwaffe for training. A small number were operated by Bulgaria and Romania, with Spain also receiving three aircraft.

Bristol Beaufighter Captured by Germany

Bristol Beaufighter in Luftwaffe markings 1943

Bristol Beaufighter Captured by Germany

During 1943, a Bristol Beaufighter was captured by German Forces and evaluated by the Luftwaffe.