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Tag: World War Two

  • Bloch MB.700 Fighter

    Bloch MB.700 Fighter

    Bloch MB.700 Fighter The Bloch MB.700 was a light-weight fighter designed for the French Air Force. It used a wooden frame, to conserve strategic materials and a 700hp Gnome-Rhône 14 M6. First flying on 19 April 1940, it subsequently undertook a series of evaluation flights. When German forces occupied the airfield it was based at,… Read more

  • Bloch MB.131 in German Service

    Bloch MB.131 in German Service

    Bloch MB.131 in German Service Although based on the previous MB.310 design, the Bloch MB.311 was a more modern and aerodynamic design. The first prototype flew on August 12, 1936, followed by a second prototype on May 7, 1937. This second aircraft added a fifth crewman, relocated the dorsal turret, and added a ventral turret.… Read more

  • Bloch MB.131 French Bomber

    Bloch MB.131 French Bomber

    Bloch MB.131 French Bomber Although based on the previous MB.310 design, the Bloch MB.311 was a more modern and aerodynamic design. The first prototype flew on August 12, 1936, followed by the second prototype on May 7, 1937. This second aircraft added a fifth crewman, relocated the dorsal turret, and added a ventral turret. During… Read more