The Rocks Sydney Australia

The Rocks Sydney

The Rocks

The Rocks is one of the oldest areas of Sydney, and as such it has many historically important buildings to visit. We started our walk near the Fortune of War hotel and the old restored police building next door. Walking through the archway nearby we went to Nurses Walk and looked at the monuments to the original hospital located there and read a lot of the history surrounding the  nurses who worked there during that period. The area is now very trendy and full of eateries, nothing like its original use. However, it’s an interesting spot to visit.

Suez Canal

At the end of Nurses Walk is Suez Canal which is the narrowest street in the city. It was originally a sewer and a haunt of the underclass and criminals during the early days of the colony.

Suez Canal The Rocks Sydney Australia
Suez Canal

Cadman’s Cottage

At the top of Suez Canal is Harrington Street. We turned right here and again at Argyle Street, walking to George Street, where we crossed the road and walked down some stone steps to check out Cadman’s Cottage.

Cadmans Cottage Near The Rocks Sydney Australia
Cadmans Cottage
Captain William Bligh Near The Rocks Sydney Australia
Captain William Bligh

Returning to Argyle Street we walked down Playfair Street and its Cafes and restaurants, buying some excellent meat pies from a stall holder and eating them near some brilliant buskers. All this near the shortest street in Sydney, Atherden Street. This is a popular spot with great opportunities to take in all this place has to offer, including the statue First Impressions of early settlers, convicts and soldiers. 

Federation Park

The old row of houses in Playfair Street back onto one of the Rocks hidden gems, Federation Park, a rank of demolished cottages left as ruins. There is a small passage through the shops, or you can get to them from Cumberland Street. This area has been left with only a few enhancements to help show what used to be there. Some old rooms have been decorated with furniture, and stairs added for easy access. We found this a great spot to sit and relax.  It is very quiet and such a great place to see the history, without the congestion that usually goes with these hidden gems.

Foundation Park The Rocks Sydney Australia
Foundation Park

At the end of Gloucester Walk we took the stairs down to the Cahill Expressway underpass. This took us past Garrison Church and then to the Sydney Observatory, which were great to explore.  The observatory has amazing views of Sydney. 

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

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