Inside the Gaol

Trial Bay Gaol

Trial Bay Gaol

Now a heritage listed ruin, Trial Bay Gaol originally served as housing for a prisoner labour force to build a nearby breakwater. The breakwater was intended to provide a safe harbour for ships sailing up the eastern Australian coast. Construction of the gaol commenced in 1877, with work on the breakwater following in 1889 after delays caused by funding shortfalls.

Planning however underestimated the strength of local storms with the work constantly washed away. By 1903 only 20% of the breakwater had been completed, but with huge cost over-runs. Improvements in sea-going vessels and with an overland route established, the project was cancelled and the gaol closed.

The gaol found a renewed purpose with the commencement of World War One, when it was used as an internment camp. High ranking Germans and prominent German businessmen were housed here until July 1918 when they were moved to Holsworthy Interment camp.

Following its second closure, all moveable fittings were sold. It then fell into disrepair and became the runs we see today.

Getting There

Located in the Arakoon National Park and managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service Trial Bay Gaol is roughly an hour’s drive north of Port Macquarie on the New South Wales mid-north coast. We drove from Port Macquarie and made it a day trip in the area, including nearby South West Rocks.

Walking through the ruins shows how bleak living here would have been. The cells are small and would have been cold in winter and hot in summer. The roofless buildings and hollow interiors have a haunting atmosphere and were great fun to walk through.

Watch out for the resident kangaroos, there were around ten there when we visited. One even had a joey in its pouch.

Views over the coastline are spectacular especially from the guard towers on the walls.

Once we had finished with the gaol, we drove through the nearby camping ground for a close-up look of the coast. The area is very popular with campers many of them were on the water fishing in boats.

What Did We Think?

We really enjoyed our visit here because of the ruins and spectacular views. Its also easy to get to with many other great things to see nearby.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

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11 responses to “Trial Bay Gaol”

  1. Mike and Kellye Hefner Avatar

    What an interesting old prison! The Arakoon National Park looks spectacular and as US National Park enthusiasts, we enjoy seeing parks in other countries. How awesome to see a mama kangaroo with a joey in her pouch!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We love walking through National Parks. There are some great ones in Australia. The mother kangaroo was a great find on the day. She was just enjoying the fresh grass and shade inside the prison walls.

      1. Mike and Kellye Hefner Avatar

        Could we trade you a Texas Longhorn for a mama kanga? LOL

        1. Destinations Avatar


  2. Pepper Avatar

    The kangaroo is adorable. 😊

    1. Destinations Avatar

      She does look cute. Especially with baby looking out of the pouch

  3. Android News-jp Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing unique information in your blog post i really like it.

  4. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    The kangaroo with her little one must have been a bonus as you wandered through the ruins of the Trial Bay Gaol … and beautiful photos of the shoreline at the end of your post.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Wildlife is always a bonus. Especially when you’re not expecting them to be there.

  5. Lebogang Shazzygal Malatji Avatar

    The kangaroo looks so beautiful

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It was great to see the kangaroos all enjoying the place too.

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