Urunga Lagoon Footbridge

Urunga Lagoon Footbridge

Urunga Lagoon Footbridge

Located in Urunga on the NSW mid-north coast, the Urunga Lagoon Footbridge is a 1km long walkway through mangroves to the Pacific Ocean. Commencing in 1988, construction continued in three stages, until final completion in 2010. This wheelchair friendly walk is a great way to experience the coast from a sheltered lagoon to mangrove swamps and the surf of the Pacific Ocean.

Getting There

Urunga is a 90 minutes drive north of Port Macquarie, or a 30 minute drive south from Coffs Harbour. The small carpark near the caravan park quickly becomes full, but we were luck and found a spot straight away.


A toilet block and change rooms allow you to change before and after swimming. Showers also let you wash the sand and salt water off before you leave.

When we visited, a coffee van was selling refreshments and snacks, which was great as we bought some and relaxed before walking on the footbridge.

Urunga Lagoon Footbridge

At around 1,000m long and flat this is an easy walk, which also makes it popular. Families were having a great time, with kids jumping off into the water and swimming around. Remember to check the tides and water depth though, as the area is not patrolled by lifeguards.

Around 300m into the walk, a second path diverges to the right into the mangroves. Badly damaged, this section is closed while awaiting repairs.

Walking along the footbridge, we had a great view of the Urunga Lagoon and surrounding mangrove forest. Extending as far as the mouth of the Bellingen River, the footbridge finishes on a surf beach where you can see the Pacific Ocean.

What Did We Think?

This was a great place to sit and relax and then have a nice easy walk. We came here after visiting the Urunga Wetlands Boardwalk. This is a good order to do them, as there are no facilities at the wetlands and access to the water is not allowed. Doing them this way would let any kids have a swim, go to the toilet or buy some drinks and snacks.

14 responses to “Urunga Lagoon Footbridge”

  1. Walking Away Avatar

    What beautifully clear water.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It’s a great place to visit. Very relaxing

  2. a piecemeal adventurer Avatar

    Urunga is one of my favourite places

    1. Destinations Avatar

      This was our first visit and we loved it. So will be going back again.

  3. 100 Country Trek Avatar

    Such an incredible site on this Footbridge. ANITA

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Please you liked it. Thankyou for reading.

  4. trumstravels Avatar

    Beautiful area! We went to a lake last summer with the same type of boardwalk, it was quite something 🙂

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Boardwalk are great. You can get to places normally not accessible. And they are usually nice easy walking

  5. Americaoncoffee Avatar

    There are so many beautiful places in our world. We should all be grateful. ❤️

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Agree totally. It’s great be be able to get out and see a few of them. But the more you see, the more you want to get out and see more!

  6. markbierman Avatar

    I’m a huge fan of these types of board walks. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We love them too. We enjoy bushwalking over rough terrain, but boardwalks are a nice change, Easy walking and you can get to wet and muddy places that are not normally accessible.

  7. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    I don’t know why, but I love a boardwalk 🙂. And this one is lovely with great views!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We like boardwalks too. They are a nice easy alternative to some of the rough tracks we walk. And they get you to place where you would get wet and muddy, while staying nice and clean.

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