Cool Llama Walking With Llamas

Walking With Llamas in the Hunter Valley

Walking With Llamas

Run by the Llama Collective and based at Lindemans Winery, Walking With Llamas is a fun and relaxing way to spend an hour in the Hunter Valley vineyards. Participants meet at the Lindeman’s car park where you can take pictures before you start your walk with your allocated Lama. The owners are very friendly, relaxed and amazing people that are passionate about their animals. When you get there, you have your name ticked off and then introducing to your llama. The name of our llama was Spudnik and being only a year old, was still learning what to do. Llamas were paired depending on the age and animal experience of participants.

Spudnik was great to lead around although he did like to stop and eat grass and leaves at every opportunity. At one stage he decided to lie down and refused to get up until he saw his friends walking off. They don’t like to be away from their friends at all.

The llamas all had individual personalities and friends. They liked to walk with friends which makes it easier to guide them.

There were plenty of stops to take photos with the llamas and the vineyards or Brokeback Range in the background. The owners will happily take photos for you!

Brokeback Ranges From Lindeman's Walking with Llamas
Brokeback Ranges From Lindeman’s

The hour went quickly and before we knew it we were back at the carpark where we said goodbye to Spudnik. We must add that we were not rushed at the end to go, we also got a certificate with a picture of our Llama!

Cheese Chocolate and Olive Oil at Lindemans

Whilst at the vineyard we decided to see what else there was on offer. On the second floor of the Lindemans Winery you will find Hunter Belle Cheese and Hunter Olive Co. This is a great place to go after you have finished with the llama walk and buy some great tasting products to take home. There is ample opportunity to do some amazing tasting!

Hunter Belle Cheese have some wonderful cheeses, all made from local products that are very tasty. We tasted at least six types of cheese, from brie and camembert to cheddar and blue, taking home the first two. They also have some chocolate for sale, which was also delicious, which we didn’t take home, because we ate it with our coffee from Lindemans Cafe.

Next door is Hunter Olive, selling olive oil in many different flavours, making it a great place to taste and buy more local produce.

What Did We Think?

We finished the morning with a coffee at the Lindeman’s Cafe overlooking the fantastic Hunter Valley scenery. Walking with Llamas was a great experience and something a little different to the usual winery tours in the Hunter Valley. We also enjoyed the cheese, chocolate and olive oil tasting, which are highly recommended.

To see what else there is to do in the Hunter Valley, please see some of our other stories.

Our photos are available for purchase on

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