Wings Over Illawarra 2018
This amazing Airshow was held at the Illawarra Regional Airport at Albion Park Rail. Located just south of Wollongong in Shellharbour the setting was beautiful with the amazing Illawarra Escarpment providing a great backdrop to the show. Wings Over Illawarra 2018 had an excellent combination of warbirds, aerobatics and modern RAAF aircraft
We stayed in Wollongong the night before at Sage Hotel. Located near Wollongong Beach. We had a leisurely evening and morning before driving to the Airshow. Parking was well organised with two off site areas and shuttle buses running to the event.
Having purchased tickets on-line entry was quick and easy after which we walked around the static displays dotted around the airfield. Unfortunately, many were parked on the far side of the airfield, so it was difficult to get a good view of them.
Historical Aircraft Restoration Society
The Historical Aircraft Restoration Society is based at the airport and had its hangers open and aircraft on display. They have an impressive collection including a Qantas Boeing 747, Super Constellation, Neptune, Orion, DC4 and. Southern Cross replica. There was also a Catalina open for a walk through for a small $5 donation. A great experience having never been in one before. Nearby was an F111, Sabre, Hunter and many other aircraft.

Air Display
The air display followed the advertised program.
10:10 |
10:30 |
11:30 |
12:30 |
13:45 |
14:30 |
15:30 |
16:30 |

This was an excellent mix of display types and kept everyone entertained for the day. For a better view and good seating next time, we will splash out and buy gold passes. This guarantees front row seats in the grandstand at the centre of the rune way.
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