Street Art Hely St 2022 Wyong

Wyong New South Wales

Wyong New South Wales Australia

Located on the New South Wales Central Coast, Wyong is around an hour’s drive north of Sydney, or an hour’s drive south from Newcastle. We visited to see the historic building and street art as well as visiting Alison Homestead on the outskirts of town.

Our first stop was the Chapman Building, where Glee Coffee have a café where you can grab a morning coffee. Opposite the café, the latest artwork was being installed. Unfortunately, these are taken down after a few months, but replaced a year later by the council.

At Alison Road, a map of the heritage walk has been installed. This is great in case you haven’t looked up the locations of what to see before-hand. Just across the road from the sign is Tightrope Lane, with it’s footpath painted as a tightrope.

We walked around the centre of town having a look at the old courthouse, post office and other buildings before heading off to the Alison Homestead. Another nearby attraction worth seeing is the old Milk Factory which now has a tavern, chocolate and candle making and arts and crafts.

Our photos are available for purchase on

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

5 responses to “Wyong New South Wales”

  1. Priti Avatar

    Beautiful South Wales ! Well shared with beautiful photos and drawing 😊 thanks 👍

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Please that you liked the town. Wyong was fun to visit

      1. Priti Avatar


  2. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    Great street art … those in Tightrope Lane is mesmerising!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Apparently if you get the angle right you can take a photos that looks like you’re on a tightrope. Our photo skills aren’t that good though.

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