Fallen Trees on the Lilli Pilli Loop Track

Wyrrabalong National Park

Wyrrabalong National Park

Getting There and Parking

Located on the Central Coast Highway near Norah Head, Wyrrabalong National Park is an hours drive south of Newcastle. We parked in a small car park just past the Pelican Beach Road turn-off, which was small, but well maintained. Signs and an information board provide information about the park and its tacks.

Lilli Pilli Loop Track

The day we visited was wet and overcast, but this added to the fun of the walk, making the trails very atmospheric. The Lilli Pilli Loop Trail meanders through coastal rain forest along narrow bush tracks. The tracks are often made of sand, but have been reinforced with wooden boards to prevent erosion of this fragile environment.

This is one of the few remaining intact areas of rainforest on the Central Coast, which makes it a very special place. An information board on the lake side of the track details the forest and its wildlife.

The damp conditions encouraged mushroom to grow on dead trees which let us see some beautiful ones as we walked by.

Red Gum Loop Track

The Lilli Pilli Loop Track joins the Red Gum Loop, at this point you can either return to your car or continue on. We chose to walk the new track, because the vegetation changes to red gum forest, from the rainforest we had just walked through.

The path down to the track is steep, but reinforce with sturdy wooden sleepers, making it safe to walk down. This also prevents erosion of the sand dune, so is environmentally safe too.

The forest in this area is more open with less undergrowth, making views of Tuggerah Lake possible in places. Lookouts have been built in places where the views are best, but it was overcast during our visit, so the lake was not visible. On a clear day, the view would be great.

What Did We Think of Wyrrabalong National Park?

Both of the loop tracks in the Wyrrabalong National Park were fun to do, because of the different vegetation. We were also pleased we did it while it was wet and damp, as this added to the fun and the environment we passed through.

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